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Oh WoW... I Guess You Weren't That Easy To Quit Afterall...

Sorry for not posting anything in SO LONG, but I have been busy PLAYING WOW! Yep, I gave it up for what?... a whole 4 months? 5? 6 max! And now I am back with a vengeance! I have been playing since the day after my birthday, so a month tomorrow, and I have a level 75 Mage and a level 70 Priest on a new server! Along with new people to play with, I even have a brand new guild!!! No more joining those fail guilds for me this time, hehe, I just made my own damn guild! I joined so many guilds before I quit playing, and every single one of them have fallen apart since, lol, so I just thought there was no point trying to find one on my new server when I know I can run my own!

It's pretty funny actually, all those years of WoW, making friends and leveling characters, and I end up starting over with nothing and playing with only the two people I started playing with back in the day! (my brother and my boyfriend) It's a bit sad I guess if I think about all that wasted time on my old servers... but I am thinking I will fork out the $25 to transfer my BE pally to this new server. At least then I'd get half of my gold (the other half being on my alliance server) and all my heirlooms, which I miss! lol.

I am REALLY enjoying WoW this time around I must say! They added this FANTASTIC thing, a cross server dungeon finder, which basically makes it so you can level from 15 to 80 by just doing instances! It has been really fun on my mage, because playing a dps class is pretty low stress in groups, but I am discipline on my priest and have been attempting to heal. I have always liked being a healer, but was only going to level my mage, my brother was going to level a holy paladin, my boyfriend was leveling a tank, and my brother's friend was being a rogue. We figured we'd just need to make one friend and we'd have a sweet little group, but my brother changed his mind so many times as to what class/spec he wanted to play before level 15 that I figured I should level a healer just to be safe, lol. He just got to 80 yesterday, and I believe he has now decided he wants to be a tank, so the healer was a good idea!

I like my guild as well, somehow we've managed to accumulate a really awesome little group of 50! Everyone is really friendly, and most are just coming back from a long WoW break (longer than mine even), so they know how to play, but are just learning all the new stuff. I was concerned about starting up a guild and not having the money for guild bank tabs, it being a brand new server and me having no gold, but everyone donated a lot of money, so we already have 4 tabs and I've only had to pay for about half of them myself! I did want to name the guild "Pink Fluffy Kittens" like my old guild, but I know as fun as it was, the name and pink tabard probably kept some people from joining, hehe. I went with though the decision about the name was just as much my brother's, his friend's, and my boyfriend's. I came up with a big list of names I liked, and then they helped me decide! Oh, and the tabard is not pink, lol.

This is my mage and my guild tabard.

So, I am back on the WoWcrack, my place is a mess, I haven't seen my friends much, my cat is feeling neglected... but I am almost level 80 damnit!!! hehe I will try to post again soon, probably more about WoW... ^^


  1. hmmm I wrote a comment on another blog entry supporting your decision to quit -_-

  2. Lol yes I noticed! I have stopped playing quite as much since I got to level 80 thankfully, and am hoping this time I can balance WoW and my life better! I am just enjoying it now that I actually have people to play with again ^^ Thank you for your comments and hopefully you don't judge me too harshly for my WoW relapse! hehe

  3. hey welcome back to playing! I haven't been on blogger in a long time. Just thought I would catch up on cool bloggers. Welcome back to the game :D

    I would like to join your guild. If you don't mind. What server you on and guild?

    I play horde/ally on deathwing. The guild I'm in is Lunar Knights.

  4. I play on Winterhoof on the horde and my guild name is Children Of The Shadow XD You'd be welcome to join if you make a character over there, just message Sekora (me) or anyone who is online and they should be able to invite you! XD
