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WoWless For Over A Week! =)

Dear Blog,

I have been WoWless since the 11th! Yeah that's just 8 days, but I have only thought about renewing my account like once, which is a good sign I think! I am a little worried that they'll give out another Anniversary Pet on the 23 (I think it's November 23..?) and I would hate to miss out on a pet!!! I love those damn vanity pets, and would be so sad if I missed a cute one like last year's polar bear cub!!! That's really the only reason I've thoughts about renewing though, which is kind of silly, pay for a month just for some in game pet. I doubt I could justify that to myself, lol.

Dragon Age has helped to ween me off my wow addiction, and those Dragon Age characters are so much nicer than all the jerks who play WoW, lol. Mind you, they aren't real people... but unless I am shooting players, I think I may avoid MMOs from now on. Everyone's just so douchey on WoW now, whether the are stupid fourteen year olds or fourty year old elitest pigs, I haven't met anyone worth knowing on WoW in years, and anyone nice I had known from WoW, I don't talk to anymore, lol. Sure I got my best friend into playing, and now she plays and I don't, lol but she likes questing alone and likes figuring everything out for herself. She doesn'teven have WotLK yet, so we never really played together to begin with.

I think I may play again once she gets to 80, or if my boyfriend or brother get back into it, or when Cataclysm comes out, but for now I am happy not playing. CoD5 and Dragon Age have been satisfying my gaming needs, and they aren't costing me monthly to play! Plus, all the douchebags on CoD5 get shot, so it's much more satisfying than dealing with the douchey WoW players!

We'll see how long my little no-wow-athon lasts, but I dare say, dear Wow, this could be the end!

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